Thursday, February 4, 2010

As a school leader, I would hope that I could provide each child with a computer of their own. One might think that having 1 computer forevery 2-3 kids is enough, but I don't believe that's the case. Every one of our 21st century learners craves to have their own creative digital independence. All of my classrooms would have interactice white boards and teachers would be expected to use them for more than whiteboard useage. Have an instructional technology specialist in our building to help teachers build or use interactive lessons would be vital. This could be done once the teacher have a clear expectation of the utilization of the NETS standards.

I found a great website that houses hundreds of ideas for technology integration across all curricula, grades K through 12. Check out

1 comment:

  1. Melissa -- I agree with you that in order to meet our students needs, we must provide them with the necessary tools. A one to one laptop initiative is one way to address this. Please keep in mind that there were two parts to this refection. You did not address the second part, “What instructional technology would you promote to differentiate instruction for all learners? Consider some of the Web 2.0 tools discussed in Week 3 and some of the tools/ applications suggested in the UDL discussion.”

    You will receive 3 points for this assignment!

